Oct 31, 10:51 AM
The "true" video iPod is actually MUCH more than a mere iPod. Thus it will take a presentation to discuss what it does, new supporting software, and just as likely, a new supporting service option.
It's great that Steve Jobs has personal presentations to release new products. But, if you believe it will take a presentation to discuss what the Video iPod does, Apple is not doing so hot on it's product design. How many other companies release products which are so much more complex, yet come with a simple written press release instead of a live presentation? It's a video iPod - I'd guess it plays video and has a interface to do so. Besides, only hard-core Apple fans view the quicktime videos of the presentation. Therefore, most iPod purchasers only get an impression piece from the press that may deal as much with Jobs presentation style as the product itself.
But, I agree - a Video iPod will have a presentation at it's release. :)
It's great that Steve Jobs has personal presentations to release new products. But, if you believe it will take a presentation to discuss what the Video iPod does, Apple is not doing so hot on it's product design. How many other companies release products which are so much more complex, yet come with a simple written press release instead of a live presentation? It's a video iPod - I'd guess it plays video and has a interface to do so. Besides, only hard-core Apple fans view the quicktime videos of the presentation. Therefore, most iPod purchasers only get an impression piece from the press that may deal as much with Jobs presentation style as the product itself.
But, I agree - a Video iPod will have a presentation at it's release. :)
Feb 3, 09:54 AM
link. please? :)
Probably can't get one bigger than this:
Courtesy of TinEye, you should check it out.
Probably can't get one bigger than this:
Courtesy of TinEye, you should check it out.

Oct 10, 05:09 PM
I'd rather pay and get upgrades than have the developer abandon the app because it isn't profitable to do anymore free updates. What should Loren do when everyone that will buy Tweetie already has it? Develop updates out of the goodness of his heart?
The app store has a problem, and that's the amount of crap and cheapness of that crap. It drives the price of everything down. Factor in that ALL upgrades are free and you have a major problem for devs. You can sell an app once to each user, at next to nothing cost, and that's all you get. Yes, initially it's good when you're selling 100K apps a week but what happens when everyone's bought your app? The app store has a sustainability problem, and it will soon rear it's ugly head.
Compare it to desktop software where even the most basic apps cost $10+ and all upgrades are paid.
I'm quite happy to pay Loren �1.79 every 8-12 months for his work on Tweetie because frankly it's amazing and �1.79 is pretty much nothing.
The problem with most whambulance drivers such as yourself is pretty much the same problem with society at large. You only care about yourself and what you can get for yourself regardless if it's at the expense of others. You have no social responsibility. People's inability to look past their own nose and care about others is really quite pathetic. You don't care if Loren gets paid for his work, or for a sustainable app store. Rather you simply care for how cheaply you can get apps and updates. The self-centredness, the "me me me"-ness of society has become quite a problem IMO.
Okay! If you care so much about others, well, I need to pay off my law school loans. It will be better for the world as I am planning on being a top notch criminal prosecutor, and plan to put a LOT of criminals away. This will, in some way shape or form, benefit you in the not so distant future. So, in order to make this happen, I need YOU to send me some money!! Surely, as you have said, people need to care about others. Its time to do your part! I'll PM you my address and how to make the check out. Thanks so much for your deep caring of others!
(See, thats your logic being taken for its word quite literally, doesn't quite work does it.) (Although, if you do actually say yes, I would be quite flabbergasted, eating crow for a while, and very grateful.)
The app store has a problem, and that's the amount of crap and cheapness of that crap. It drives the price of everything down. Factor in that ALL upgrades are free and you have a major problem for devs. You can sell an app once to each user, at next to nothing cost, and that's all you get. Yes, initially it's good when you're selling 100K apps a week but what happens when everyone's bought your app? The app store has a sustainability problem, and it will soon rear it's ugly head.
Compare it to desktop software where even the most basic apps cost $10+ and all upgrades are paid.
I'm quite happy to pay Loren �1.79 every 8-12 months for his work on Tweetie because frankly it's amazing and �1.79 is pretty much nothing.
The problem with most whambulance drivers such as yourself is pretty much the same problem with society at large. You only care about yourself and what you can get for yourself regardless if it's at the expense of others. You have no social responsibility. People's inability to look past their own nose and care about others is really quite pathetic. You don't care if Loren gets paid for his work, or for a sustainable app store. Rather you simply care for how cheaply you can get apps and updates. The self-centredness, the "me me me"-ness of society has become quite a problem IMO.
Okay! If you care so much about others, well, I need to pay off my law school loans. It will be better for the world as I am planning on being a top notch criminal prosecutor, and plan to put a LOT of criminals away. This will, in some way shape or form, benefit you in the not so distant future. So, in order to make this happen, I need YOU to send me some money!! Surely, as you have said, people need to care about others. Its time to do your part! I'll PM you my address and how to make the check out. Thanks so much for your deep caring of others!
(See, thats your logic being taken for its word quite literally, doesn't quite work does it.) (Although, if you do actually say yes, I would be quite flabbergasted, eating crow for a while, and very grateful.)
Jun 10, 06:13 AM
Did anyone hear the word 'Tasks' mentioned? Colors in iCal isn't bad when long overdue. But an iPhone without Tasks (not to mention recurring Tasks) is still not a substitute for a plain organizer, be it a Palm or a BlackBerry. Did I miss it or are we still waiting for the next Update? For the time being I'll stick to my T5 and my old Siemens Mobile.
Aug 7, 09:17 AM
BOred Saturday afternoon, mean to be plastering a wall but I decided to change the desktop instead (wife wasn't impressed though :o ) , came across some Tron Legacy wallpapers, I kinda like this one :)
Source of Original (
Source of Original (
Sep 25, 03:04 PM
I am not going to read through the whole thread, but here is my take:
Even though they might both be legal adults, that does not guarantee maturity of action. If you think your son might do something rash, like have sex w/o a condom, then don't let him go over there. His legal right to make the decision relatively unimportant, I wouldn't let any of my friends have sex w/o a condom and they are all 18+. Stop him from doing something rash because you love him. But if he has shown himself to be trustworthy and responsible, then by all means reward him by giving him some freedom.
My mother acted as though she trusted me, but she didn't give me any privileges, which was a source of great annoyance while in high school. My mother was way too protective of me. I never made a significantly bad decision the 4 years I was in high school. I never got drunk and wrecked the car, I never got in any fights, and I never tried to get out of my responsibilities. Yet, despite all of this, I still had a curfew, I still wasn't allowed to be on the computer after 12:00. Had I been given these privileges would I have abused them? Of course not... I'm smarter than that.
If your son has earned your trust, then show it by giving him privileges. His age is irrelevant.
Even though they might both be legal adults, that does not guarantee maturity of action. If you think your son might do something rash, like have sex w/o a condom, then don't let him go over there. His legal right to make the decision relatively unimportant, I wouldn't let any of my friends have sex w/o a condom and they are all 18+. Stop him from doing something rash because you love him. But if he has shown himself to be trustworthy and responsible, then by all means reward him by giving him some freedom.
My mother acted as though she trusted me, but she didn't give me any privileges, which was a source of great annoyance while in high school. My mother was way too protective of me. I never made a significantly bad decision the 4 years I was in high school. I never got drunk and wrecked the car, I never got in any fights, and I never tried to get out of my responsibilities. Yet, despite all of this, I still had a curfew, I still wasn't allowed to be on the computer after 12:00. Had I been given these privileges would I have abused them? Of course not... I'm smarter than that.
If your son has earned your trust, then show it by giving him privileges. His age is irrelevant.
Apr 30, 09:56 PM
I searched around in Safari's resource files and couldn't find anything. Not sure where MacRumors got it.
Dec 12, 04:27 AM
i know cydia and app store develepors read this website so what apps would you like to see on app store or cydia? If you think you could develop one of these apps that someone suggests than say so!
um moar fart appz lawlz
um moar fart appz lawlz
Aug 13, 10:23 AM
just figured I'd point this out now, since it's the first.
This doesn't fit in the 75x75 size or under the 39.1K filesize limit so it won't get counted... sorry.
rules/regulations for avatars in the contest
You can fix it to fit a tar and that'd be fine, but all entries not in the correct format will be disqualified.
and it's also in the rules that it should be a new avatar, not one seen on macrumors before.
This doesn't fit in the 75x75 size or under the 39.1K filesize limit so it won't get counted... sorry.
rules/regulations for avatars in the contest
You can fix it to fit a tar and that'd be fine, but all entries not in the correct format will be disqualified.
and it's also in the rules that it should be a new avatar, not one seen on macrumors before.

Sep 2, 11:56 AM
pic is from my trip to Scotland
Sep 24, 05:46 PM
I would tell him how I feel about the situation (either for or against it) but not order him around. After all he is an adult. Also make it clear to him that there are consequences for every decision.
Apr 1, 01:03 PM
Jul 26, 02:56 PM (
Category: Apple Hardware
Link: iPad sales push Apple into top five PC vendors (
Description:: If you include tablets, Apple is now the fifth-largest shipper of PCs in the world.
Posted on (
Approved by Mudbug
Category: Apple Hardware
Link: iPad sales push Apple into top five PC vendors (
Description:: If you include tablets, Apple is now the fifth-largest shipper of PCs in the world.
Posted on (
Approved by Mudbug
Mar 29, 09:47 AM
Why does eBay not work?

Dec 30, 05:21 PM
From my parents;
Red Wii & and Donkey Kong Country
Some paint and canvas
Couple hundred in cash
From my GF;
Pair of Puma shoes
AE Jacket
Abercrombie Sweatpaints
Halo Reach
All 4 seasons of Futurama
A really cool ostrich case for my iPhone 4
$50 Gamestop card for both of us from her aunt
What I got my GF;
iPhone 4 from my parents and coach keychain
2 Remetee shirts
a Sinful shirt
Coach purse
Hollster pants, sweeter shirt
Family guy movie and seasons 1 & 2
Victoria Secret bra and panties and some lingerie(More for me then her ;))
New dressy sandals
Her dad and step mom got us one of those fancy single cup coffee makers
Red Wii & and Donkey Kong Country
Some paint and canvas
Couple hundred in cash
From my GF;
Pair of Puma shoes
AE Jacket
Abercrombie Sweatpaints
Halo Reach
All 4 seasons of Futurama
A really cool ostrich case for my iPhone 4
$50 Gamestop card for both of us from her aunt
What I got my GF;
iPhone 4 from my parents and coach keychain
2 Remetee shirts
a Sinful shirt
Coach purse
Hollster pants, sweeter shirt
Family guy movie and seasons 1 & 2
Victoria Secret bra and panties and some lingerie(More for me then her ;))
New dressy sandals
Her dad and step mom got us one of those fancy single cup coffee makers
Oct 9, 04:47 AM
There you go
Thanks for Share the Link Dude!!:D
Thanks for Share the Link Dude!!:D
Dec 5, 09:02 PM
mmmmm oliviaaaaa in full 1080p
mmmmm oliviaaaaa in full 1080p
Apr 25, 07:34 AM
10 months later I really think people should wait a couple of months and buy the iPhone 5 in white... Maybe the improvements aren't big but it still is a new gen...
Apr 2, 04:54 AM
Not the most exciting!
link ?
Not the most exciting!
link ?
Dec 1, 04:41 PM (
Dunno if you noticed mate, but you have 60 unread mail.
Dunno if you noticed mate, but you have 60 unread mail.
Oct 1, 07:24 AM
Yeh, we use Notes at work too. Most every week we have to replace 3 ".dat" files or the thing won't even start up. But, then, it's not running on a Mac.
I'd love to see a list of big companies (in NYC) that use Macs. Really! :D
I'd love to see a list of big companies (in NYC) that use Macs. Really! :D
WigWag Workshop
Apr 9, 01:46 PM
When I get home, I am buying Tempest.:D
Tempest is my Favorite "old school" game - I have a nice MAME setup, I did purchase the Tempest pack, and it is awesome!
Tempest is my Favorite "old school" game - I have a nice MAME setup, I did purchase the Tempest pack, and it is awesome!
May 5, 12:37 PM
I'm thinking about updating the graphics card for my Mac Pro. I currently have a card from ATI Radeon HD 4800 series, and I need a new card especially for playing the newest games with the highest settings on Boot Camp. What card would you suggest for me? I guess I could also use more RAM, how should I proceed with that?
Mar 23, 09:54 AM
Damn.... Sir Serlet had a best accent ever.
Craig has no accent! Get an accent, Craig.
"Disk Defragmentation! No end user should ever haff to know about zat!"
Craig has no accent! Get an accent, Craig.
"Disk Defragmentation! No end user should ever haff to know about zat!"
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