01-30 02:48 PM
Just a suggestion I think if we involve US India Polical Action Committee(USINPAC) may be our effort to reach the law maker will be easier.
Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -
Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
Senator Lott (R - MS)
Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
Senator Santorum (R - PA)
Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
Senator Specter (R - PA)
Senator Daschle (D - SD)
Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
Senator Cochran (R - MS)
Senator Frist (R - TN)
Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
Senator Schumer (D - NY)
Senator Wyden (D - OR)
Senator Coleman (R - MN)
Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
Senator Bayh (D - IN)
Senator Durbin (D - IL)
Senator Breaux (D - LA)
Senator Crapo (R - ID)
Senator Levin (D - MI)
Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
Senator Grassley (R - IA)
Senator Bennett (R - UT)
Senator Boxer (D - CA)
Senator Nickles (R - OK)
Senator Stevens (R - AK)
Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
Senator Hatch (R - UT)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Members of Congressional India Caucus
108th Congress elected in November 2002
List updated as of June 18, 2004
112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186
Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
Congressman Baca (D- CA )
Congressman Baird (D- WA)
Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
Congressman Bell (D-TX)
Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
Congressman Berman (D-CA)
Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
Congressman Burns (R-GA)
Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
Congressman Cox (R-CA)
Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
Congressman Engel (D-NY)
Congressman English (R- PA )
Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
Congressman Evans (D-IL)
Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
Congressman Filner (D-CA)
Congressman Foley (R-FL)
Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
Congressman Ford (D-TN)
Congressman Frank (D-MA)
Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
Congressman Frost (D-TX)
Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
Congressman Harris (R-FL)
Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
Congressman Honda (D-CA)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
Congressman Israel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Congressman Jones (R-NC)
Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
Congressman Kind (D-WI)
Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Congressman Levin (D-MI)
Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
Congressman Linder (R-GA)
Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
Congressman Majette (D-GA)
Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
Congressman Meek (D-FL)
Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
Congressman Neal (D-MA)
Congressman Ney (R-OH)
Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
Congressman Price (D-NC)
Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
Congressman Royce (R-CA)
Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
Congressman Souder (R-IN)
Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
Congressman Stark (D-CA)
Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
Congressman Towns (D-NY)
Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
Congressman Upton (R-MI)
Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
Congressman Watt (D-NC)
Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
Congressman Wu (D-OR)
Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -
Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
Senator Lott (R - MS)
Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
Senator Santorum (R - PA)
Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
Senator Specter (R - PA)
Senator Daschle (D - SD)
Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
Senator Cochran (R - MS)
Senator Frist (R - TN)
Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
Senator Schumer (D - NY)
Senator Wyden (D - OR)
Senator Coleman (R - MN)
Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
Senator Bayh (D - IN)
Senator Durbin (D - IL)
Senator Breaux (D - LA)
Senator Crapo (R - ID)
Senator Levin (D - MI)
Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
Senator Grassley (R - IA)
Senator Bennett (R - UT)
Senator Boxer (D - CA)
Senator Nickles (R - OK)
Senator Stevens (R - AK)
Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
Senator Hatch (R - UT)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Members of Congressional India Caucus
108th Congress elected in November 2002
List updated as of June 18, 2004
112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186
Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
Congressman Baca (D- CA )
Congressman Baird (D- WA)
Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
Congressman Bell (D-TX)
Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
Congressman Berman (D-CA)
Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
Congressman Burns (R-GA)
Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
Congressman Cox (R-CA)
Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
Congressman Engel (D-NY)
Congressman English (R- PA )
Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
Congressman Evans (D-IL)
Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
Congressman Filner (D-CA)
Congressman Foley (R-FL)
Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
Congressman Ford (D-TN)
Congressman Frank (D-MA)
Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
Congressman Frost (D-TX)
Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
Congressman Harris (R-FL)
Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
Congressman Honda (D-CA)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
Congressman Israel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Congressman Jones (R-NC)
Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
Congressman Kind (D-WI)
Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Congressman Levin (D-MI)
Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
Congressman Linder (R-GA)
Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
Congressman Majette (D-GA)
Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
Congressman Meek (D-FL)
Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
Congressman Neal (D-MA)
Congressman Ney (R-OH)
Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
Congressman Price (D-NC)
Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
Congressman Royce (R-CA)
Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
Congressman Souder (R-IN)
Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
Congressman Stark (D-CA)
Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
Congressman Towns (D-NY)
Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
Congressman Upton (R-MI)
Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
Congressman Watt (D-NC)
Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
Congressman Wu (D-OR)
wallpaper Actresses Kate Hudson (L) and
11-16 01:09 PM
10-06 05:33 PM
No no no - please don't vote for yourself :) That's considered in bad-taste and your entry could get disqualified.
2011 pictures Goldie Hawn and Kate
04-30 12:16 PM
I was wondering if they have restarted premium processing for I-140 yet?
08-15 11:34 AM
Any PERM case filed before July 25th 2005 was taking long time because of system problems. But this long is a news to me. I wish you good luck and hope that it will get cleared soon.
03-09 03:31 PM
start a consulting company. ;)
03-03 04:32 PM
Who is the laywer? can share his contact information with us please?
I've been an infrequent visitor to this site in the past, but it has helped me substantially especially when I've been frustrated with the GC situation - I feel the need to share this, hoping that it might help others. I'm posting in this forum because this is the place people tend to ask questions of lawyers. I'll try to keep this simple so that its easy to understand.
Me: EB2 PD March 2005 for first job. I-140 approved 2006. Promoted to different tile in 2007 Jan, second EB2 filed in March 2007.
Wife: EB2 PD Feb 2007.
During the 'fiasco' of 2007, because I did not have an approved PERM for my new job title, we filed for 485's and 140s through my wife with me as the dependent (Having an AP is worth it when traveling overseas, especially if you anticipate traveling for emergencies and don't have the luxury of checking in for an appointment with the consulate to get a visa renewal - also removes the stress of another interview). Neither of us applied for EADs because we were more secure on the H1 visas - your status is immediately screwed if you switch to EAD and your 485 is denied.
In 2008, I received an RFE on my 2nd PERM application (which was addressed by my company - I have no clue what it was about). In 2009, I received an RFE on my 485 application through my wife, we replied to it through a very good lawyer.
Last year, my original LC PD became current! However, our 485s were tied to my wife's application. After speaking to many lawyers, we understood that there were the following options:-
1. Withdraw the earlier 485s, file completely new ones based on my PD (supposedly the safest from GC point of view, because it leaves no room for confusion. Downside is processing time, app getting lost, losing AP/EAD from earlier 485 etc)
2. File another completely new set of parallel 485s, and leave it to UCSIS to figure out that they needed to pick one with the earlier PD (overkill and confusing as well. UCSIS now deals with 4 485 applications, and chances that they will get confused magnify. High processing time as well)
3. Send a letter requesting that the 485 applications be reviewed based on my PD as opposed to my wife's. (Upside is that its potentially the fastest, is approved by the UCSIS, and you can track it by calling up. Downside is that they may simply don't respond because its not really a legal document that's being sent. Then you get stuck just running for Infopass, SR, Congressman etc)
I have to say that choosing the right lawyer to handle your case is possibly the most important thing you can do. What some of us don't know is that while the earlier stages of the GC process are applications made by the company, the 485 application is an individual application, and you are legally allowed to do so through any lawyer you wish to. In our case, we chose the law firm we trusted, even though it was more expensive. They recommended option 3, and we went with it. That was 4 months ago.
On Saturday (2/25) we received email saying that the card were in processing. This afternoon we got our cards in the mail - a nice surprise.
Moral of the story:-
1. Do your homework, get multiple opinions - no one will care about your GC app like you do.
2. When you move and update the AR-11, make sure you update the address for pending cases as well - this will ensure they mail your GC to the correct place.
3. Don't do anything illegal :)
4. Hire the best lawyer you can if your case is not straightforward. Our lawyer was always willing to talk to us at a few hours notice, was very prompt, and was proactive in checking up on UCSIS updates, bulletins etc.
Best wishes.
I've been an infrequent visitor to this site in the past, but it has helped me substantially especially when I've been frustrated with the GC situation - I feel the need to share this, hoping that it might help others. I'm posting in this forum because this is the place people tend to ask questions of lawyers. I'll try to keep this simple so that its easy to understand.
Me: EB2 PD March 2005 for first job. I-140 approved 2006. Promoted to different tile in 2007 Jan, second EB2 filed in March 2007.
Wife: EB2 PD Feb 2007.
During the 'fiasco' of 2007, because I did not have an approved PERM for my new job title, we filed for 485's and 140s through my wife with me as the dependent (Having an AP is worth it when traveling overseas, especially if you anticipate traveling for emergencies and don't have the luxury of checking in for an appointment with the consulate to get a visa renewal - also removes the stress of another interview). Neither of us applied for EADs because we were more secure on the H1 visas - your status is immediately screwed if you switch to EAD and your 485 is denied.
In 2008, I received an RFE on my 2nd PERM application (which was addressed by my company - I have no clue what it was about). In 2009, I received an RFE on my 485 application through my wife, we replied to it through a very good lawyer.
Last year, my original LC PD became current! However, our 485s were tied to my wife's application. After speaking to many lawyers, we understood that there were the following options:-
1. Withdraw the earlier 485s, file completely new ones based on my PD (supposedly the safest from GC point of view, because it leaves no room for confusion. Downside is processing time, app getting lost, losing AP/EAD from earlier 485 etc)
2. File another completely new set of parallel 485s, and leave it to UCSIS to figure out that they needed to pick one with the earlier PD (overkill and confusing as well. UCSIS now deals with 4 485 applications, and chances that they will get confused magnify. High processing time as well)
3. Send a letter requesting that the 485 applications be reviewed based on my PD as opposed to my wife's. (Upside is that its potentially the fastest, is approved by the UCSIS, and you can track it by calling up. Downside is that they may simply don't respond because its not really a legal document that's being sent. Then you get stuck just running for Infopass, SR, Congressman etc)
I have to say that choosing the right lawyer to handle your case is possibly the most important thing you can do. What some of us don't know is that while the earlier stages of the GC process are applications made by the company, the 485 application is an individual application, and you are legally allowed to do so through any lawyer you wish to. In our case, we chose the law firm we trusted, even though it was more expensive. They recommended option 3, and we went with it. That was 4 months ago.
On Saturday (2/25) we received email saying that the card were in processing. This afternoon we got our cards in the mail - a nice surprise.
Moral of the story:-
1. Do your homework, get multiple opinions - no one will care about your GC app like you do.
2. When you move and update the AR-11, make sure you update the address for pending cases as well - this will ensure they mail your GC to the correct place.
3. Don't do anything illegal :)
4. Hire the best lawyer you can if your case is not straightforward. Our lawyer was always willing to talk to us at a few hours notice, was very prompt, and was proactive in checking up on UCSIS updates, bulletins etc.
Best wishes.
2010 Kate Garry Hudson (* April
11-14 02:14 PM
Do anyone knows what kind of additional information is requested for Travel Document. Here is the message I see online:
Current Status: We mailed you a notice requesting additional evidence.
On November 13, 2007, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence and/or information in this case. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the evidence and/or information requested. This case will be held in suspense until we either receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once you submit the information and/or evidence requested, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something further from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service.
Possible documents :
1.copies of Old I -94's
2.Color copies of the relevent pages of passport
Do anyone knows what kind of additional information is requested for Travel Document. Here is the message I see online:
Current Status: We mailed you a notice requesting additional evidence.
On November 13, 2007, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence and/or information in this case. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the evidence and/or information requested. This case will be held in suspense until we either receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once you submit the information and/or evidence requested, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something further from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service.
Possible documents :
1.copies of Old I -94's
2.Color copies of the relevent pages of passport
02-10 08:23 PM
The bigger problem is that your parents visa has already been rejected twice and that would be in their database. And that was when your parents were working. Now they are also retired which also adds another complication since the visa officers look to see if the people who a asking for a visitors visa have anything left in India to come back to ( like real estate , good bank balances , jobs , family etc )
I don't think it matters much if you are sponsering them or they are paying for it themselves.. its the twice visa denial in past that might be the key.
I don't think it matters much if you are sponsering them or they are paying for it themselves.. its the twice visa denial in past that might be the key.
hair Goldie Hawn to Kate Hudson:

09-27 04:36 PM
Important Visa and Immigration Documents (http://www.upenn.edu/oip/iss/visa/documents.html)
Is the statement under passport true? I still shouldn't have any problem right?
Is the statement under passport true? I still shouldn't have any problem right?
09-15 11:38 PM
My wife has an approved H1 w/ COS starting from Oct 1. Her current status is H4. She wants to continue to maintain her H4 status, so we want to to file for reinstatement of H4 before Oct 1.
How long does it take for USCIS to approve H4 reinstatement?
My wife has an approved H1 w/ COS starting from Oct 1. Her current status is H4. She wants to continue to maintain her H4 status, so we want to to file for reinstatement of H4 before Oct 1.
How long does it take for USCIS to approve H4 reinstatement?
hot Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson
04-27 03:24 PM
Hi all,
I took today an Infopass to ask about the status of my I-485 (EB3 ROW, filled in July 2007, PD 12/2005). The IO told me that the case is pre-adjudicated under review and that, since there are no visa numbers available, the case will resume normal processing in October 2009 and that there is no reason to ask about the status anymore until that time. Can anybody explain what "pre-adjudicated under review" means ?
Thank you !
pre-adjudicated - As of writing, your case is good-to-go and subject to fbi name check & visa number availability.
under review - It may once be reviewed fully or partially before requesting for a visa number when available
I took today an Infopass to ask about the status of my I-485 (EB3 ROW, filled in July 2007, PD 12/2005). The IO told me that the case is pre-adjudicated under review and that, since there are no visa numbers available, the case will resume normal processing in October 2009 and that there is no reason to ask about the status anymore until that time. Can anybody explain what "pre-adjudicated under review" means ?
Thank you !
pre-adjudicated - As of writing, your case is good-to-go and subject to fbi name check & visa number availability.
under review - It may once be reviewed fully or partially before requesting for a visa number when available
house Goldie Hawn amp; Kate Hudson
07-29 03:54 AM
My employer has changed the conditions of my employment since we mutually agreed to start the greencard process (reduced benefits, increased my out-of-pocket expenses, did not give yearly increase and bonuses promised at the beginning of my employment). I am now unable to make ends meet with my current salary and there is no sign I will get an increase soon. Will this constitute as valid reason if I quit my job in, say, 1 month from receiving the greencard?
Also, the Senior position specified in the I-140 is not available right now. Do I have the right to claim it, now that the greencard had been approved? If they won't give it to me, will this be a valid reason to quit and not jeopardize my GC with the USCIS?
Please advise. Thank you!
My employer has changed the conditions of my employment after we mutually agreed to start the greencard process (reduced benefits, increased my out-of-pocket expenses, did not give yearly increase and bonuses promised at the beginning of my employment). I am now unable to make ends meet with my current salary and there is no sign I will get an increase soon. Will this constitute as valid reason if I quit my job in, say, 1 month from receiving the greencard?
Also, the Senior position specified in the I-140 is not available right now. Do I have the right to claim it, now that the greencard had been approved? If they won't give it to me, will this be a valid reason to quit and not jeopardize my GC with the USCIS?
Please advise. Thank you!
My employer has changed the conditions of my employment since we mutually agreed to start the greencard process (reduced benefits, increased my out-of-pocket expenses, did not give yearly increase and bonuses promised at the beginning of my employment). I am now unable to make ends meet with my current salary and there is no sign I will get an increase soon. Will this constitute as valid reason if I quit my job in, say, 1 month from receiving the greencard?
Also, the Senior position specified in the I-140 is not available right now. Do I have the right to claim it, now that the greencard had been approved? If they won't give it to me, will this be a valid reason to quit and not jeopardize my GC with the USCIS?
Please advise. Thank you!
My employer has changed the conditions of my employment after we mutually agreed to start the greencard process (reduced benefits, increased my out-of-pocket expenses, did not give yearly increase and bonuses promised at the beginning of my employment). I am now unable to make ends meet with my current salary and there is no sign I will get an increase soon. Will this constitute as valid reason if I quit my job in, say, 1 month from receiving the greencard?
Also, the Senior position specified in the I-140 is not available right now. Do I have the right to claim it, now that the greencard had been approved? If they won't give it to me, will this be a valid reason to quit and not jeopardize my GC with the USCIS?
Please advise. Thank you!
tattoo Goldie Hawn Pregnant Kate
06-11 11:46 PM
How she keep AOS status (I-485) when out of the country for long period, and do not have AP, while go out of the country. She can come on H-4, but, I don't know, she can be on AOS status for green card. Consult a lawyer.
Hello Gurus,
Soon after we filed our I-485 in July 07 we went to India as my mother was not feeling well. When my wife and I were in India we got Finger print appointment notices, which we postponed around 8 times. In May 08 we came to US specially to give our finger prints and we did. Few weeks after we gave our Finger prints, My wife went to India to take care of my mom.
Yesterday, we AGAIN got Finger print appointment notices. It does not say if USCIS was unable to read our finger prints or anything, It is a regular FP notices.
Since I am here in the US, I do not mind giving FP's again, but my wife is in India and she cannot give FP now. Another thing is we applied for H1 extension, She cannot come until I get my H1 and she get's it stamped. We do not have AP to travel.
The day we gave our FP's, USCIS has put stamps on our FP appointment notices with the details. I have these notices with me. Are these of any help ???
Biometrics Processing Stamp
ASC Site Code:______
Biometrics QA Review By:_____ On ________
Ten Prints QA Review by:_____ on ________
I really do not know what to do. I request you all Gurus, please help me to handle this issue.
Thank you.
Hello Gurus,
Soon after we filed our I-485 in July 07 we went to India as my mother was not feeling well. When my wife and I were in India we got Finger print appointment notices, which we postponed around 8 times. In May 08 we came to US specially to give our finger prints and we did. Few weeks after we gave our Finger prints, My wife went to India to take care of my mom.
Yesterday, we AGAIN got Finger print appointment notices. It does not say if USCIS was unable to read our finger prints or anything, It is a regular FP notices.
Since I am here in the US, I do not mind giving FP's again, but my wife is in India and she cannot give FP now. Another thing is we applied for H1 extension, She cannot come until I get my H1 and she get's it stamped. We do not have AP to travel.
The day we gave our FP's, USCIS has put stamps on our FP appointment notices with the details. I have these notices with me. Are these of any help ???
Biometrics Processing Stamp
ASC Site Code:______
Biometrics QA Review By:_____ On ________
Ten Prints QA Review by:_____ on ________
I really do not know what to do. I request you all Gurus, please help me to handle this issue.
Thank you.
pictures Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson
08-15 09:54 PM
Backside of checks are generally Messy - I understand your Problem. I faced this Problem during my H1B because the receipt was Lost in Mail.
Call USCIS and tell Level1 operator that you are 100% sure that your checks are encashed but its Unreadable. Please connect me to Level2 so that i can confirm the details by FN,LN,DOB .
I'm sure they will help you - Let us know how it goes.
where do we get to read the receipt number from the back of the check ?..i see so many ppl write that they cud get the receipt number from the back of the check and with that the cud track the fate of receipt notice.The back of my cleared check has so many numbers but they are all overlapping and unreadable.Do any1 else has the same issue?
can any1 tell what is the window period b ween check clearance and recipt notice?
Call USCIS and tell Level1 operator that you are 100% sure that your checks are encashed but its Unreadable. Please connect me to Level2 so that i can confirm the details by FN,LN,DOB .
I'm sure they will help you - Let us know how it goes.
where do we get to read the receipt number from the back of the check ?..i see so many ppl write that they cud get the receipt number from the back of the check and with that the cud track the fate of receipt notice.The back of my cleared check has so many numbers but they are all overlapping and unreadable.Do any1 else has the same issue?
can any1 tell what is the window period b ween check clearance and recipt notice?
dresses Kate Hudson Age set of movie
12-08 06:17 PM
Does any one have contacts in websites like Rediff.com, Samachar.com so that we can put a banner and advt many companies when they lauch new products they put it there. For Eg Airtel similar to Reliance India call, has put a banner on samachar.com
What makes you think that they will do it for free? Unfortunately, I tried contacting some websites. I couldnt elicit a resposne even. their prominent audience are outside of India and in Indian cities. How ever they dont seem to be concerned. We might need some back door connections for these people to get their attention and spread the word.
Does any one have contacts in websites like Rediff.com, Samachar.com so that we can put a banner and advt many companies when they lauch new products they put it there. For Eg Airtel similar to Reliance India call, has put a banner on samachar.com
What makes you think that they will do it for free? Unfortunately, I tried contacting some websites. I couldnt elicit a resposne even. their prominent audience are outside of India and in Indian cities. How ever they dont seem to be concerned. We might need some back door connections for these people to get their attention and spread the word.
makeup Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn,
07-24 08:31 AM
Immigrant petition was filed only for me. However, AoS has been filed for the entire family. So in my opinion the answers to three questions sholuld be 1 - No, 2- No, 3- Yes.- Would that be Correct?
Since the primary applicant of form I-539 is my wife, i wasn't sure if there should be a mention of my immigrant petition when describing the circumstances on a separate sheet of paper. Should I add receipt number of form I-485 or attach a copy of the form as support documents?
Once you file I-485 it is as good as filing an Immigrant petition. So your Answer will be 'Yes' for Everyone who has applied for I-485.
Since the primary applicant of form I-539 is my wife, i wasn't sure if there should be a mention of my immigrant petition when describing the circumstances on a separate sheet of paper. Should I add receipt number of form I-485 or attach a copy of the form as support documents?
Once you file I-485 it is as good as filing an Immigrant petition. So your Answer will be 'Yes' for Everyone who has applied for I-485.
girlfriend Goldie Hawn#39;s ex-hubby to
10-06 11:39 AM
Its an honor to have such prestigious members on IV Advisory boards..
Great to know that we are in good hands..
Great to know that we are in good hands..
hairstyles hawn family kate hudson
03-30 10:03 AM
I'm not an attorney, but based on your description it appears like you do not have the EB2 job offer currently open. Typically, If the company gets acquired by another firm, the 140 needs to be amended and more over you are not working for that employer anymore.
I think you should first find out if EB2 job still exists if so, you can send a letter to interfile(transfer) your pending 485 to the new 140. You may need to submit I-140 approval notices and 485 receipt notice along with an employment letter to substantiate your claim.
I got the RFE notification in the mail yesterday and here is the RFE info:
The Service acknowledges that you filed your I-485 Employment Based Application (Receipt #) based on your approved 3rd preference I-140 (Receipt #). Service records indicate that you also have an approved 2nd preference I-140 (Receipt #) with a priority date that affords you an available visa. If you wish to transfer this I-485 to your newly approved Form I-140 a request for conversion must be made in writing. If no response is received, USCIS will continue adjudication on the instant I-485 based on your 3rd preference I-140 and will wait for visa availability based on that preference classification".
I had another approved I-140 in EB2 from the client where I worked as a contractor. That company got acquired by another and am not sure if they still support me in the process.
1) Did anyone receive such RFE?
2) Should I send USCIS a letter by requesting them to trasfer my I-485 to EB2?
3) USCIS had issued this RFE on 03/03/10 with 04/03/10 deadline but I had received it yesterday(3/27/10). I have only 1 week to respond back.
Is there a way to buy some more time if i cant respond back in 3-4 business days?
Please advice. I really appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance.
I think you should first find out if EB2 job still exists if so, you can send a letter to interfile(transfer) your pending 485 to the new 140. You may need to submit I-140 approval notices and 485 receipt notice along with an employment letter to substantiate your claim.
I got the RFE notification in the mail yesterday and here is the RFE info:
The Service acknowledges that you filed your I-485 Employment Based Application (Receipt #) based on your approved 3rd preference I-140 (Receipt #). Service records indicate that you also have an approved 2nd preference I-140 (Receipt #) with a priority date that affords you an available visa. If you wish to transfer this I-485 to your newly approved Form I-140 a request for conversion must be made in writing. If no response is received, USCIS will continue adjudication on the instant I-485 based on your 3rd preference I-140 and will wait for visa availability based on that preference classification".
I had another approved I-140 in EB2 from the client where I worked as a contractor. That company got acquired by another and am not sure if they still support me in the process.
1) Did anyone receive such RFE?
2) Should I send USCIS a letter by requesting them to trasfer my I-485 to EB2?
3) USCIS had issued this RFE on 03/03/10 with 04/03/10 deadline but I had received it yesterday(3/27/10). I have only 1 week to respond back.
Is there a way to buy some more time if i cant respond back in 3-4 business days?
Please advice. I really appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance.
04-24 02:45 AM
Hi god_bless_you,
Title should have been: "God blessed me !! Got GC." Fix the title, other wise it looks like "God blessed you !! I got into trouble", Unless you feel GC as some trouble imposed on you.
I am (and most of IV visitors) still without GC and years to go before getting GC.
Any way, whatever, congratulations.
OP said "God bless you !!!, I got GC". Not bless*ed*. Those extra two letters might convey the meaning that you suggest. (God blessed you!! , and I got nothing! :) )
But as is (without the 'ed' after bless), the title does indeed convey appropriate meaning ! Its like saying, "May god bless you (too..) , I have been blessed !" .
But anyway, we are splitting hairs here :D . Congratulations to the original poster
Title should have been: "God blessed me !! Got GC." Fix the title, other wise it looks like "God blessed you !! I got into trouble", Unless you feel GC as some trouble imposed on you.
I am (and most of IV visitors) still without GC and years to go before getting GC.
Any way, whatever, congratulations.
OP said "God bless you !!!, I got GC". Not bless*ed*. Those extra two letters might convey the meaning that you suggest. (God blessed you!! , and I got nothing! :) )
But as is (without the 'ed' after bless), the title does indeed convey appropriate meaning ! Its like saying, "May god bless you (too..) , I have been blessed !" .
But anyway, we are splitting hairs here :D . Congratulations to the original poster
02-10 01:05 PM
All the tactics used by groups opposing EB immigration and in particular H-1B visas center around one central theme - foreign (H-1B) workers are cheap labor. While they may have identified specific cases, it is not representative of the entire EB (and H-1B) community. Most of us are paid much more than higher end of prevailing wage, plus 10-20K in immigration costs. Many of us are physicians with NIW and working in medically under served areas.
How about we stand in silent, peaceful protest against the H-1B ban to show that the common perception of H-1B workers is not all correct. I suggest we do this either in front of the Capitol on the day when the House-Senate joint committee is considering the bill or on the day when President Obama signs the bill in front of the White House. Our goal will be simple - we will try to pass on one message - We are not cheap labor. The way we do this -
Each of us will create a poster with our 2008 W-2 blown up that shows the income (100k+), show that we are paying all taxes (Medicare, SS, etc.). We can scratch off employer name, address, etc.
We can wear white strips around our lips to symbolize our protest to be silent, peaceful.
We can have some flyers ready with relevant information.
These are just some preliminary ideas. I am sure others here will have much better ideas to get our point across - We are not cheap labor.
I know skeptics and nay sayers tell me that this is useless, etc. etc. I have two things to day about that - First, if we don't do anything we don't gain anything anyways. Second, I do not expect the Congress to change anything just based on any protest like this. What this will do is that it will plant a seed of a forgotten concept that foreign workers like you and me are not cheap. I feel confident that we can find somebody to report this.
Anybody up for it? Even if 10 of us are ready I think we should do it. Timing this right is important. We have to move swiftly.
How about we stand in silent, peaceful protest against the H-1B ban to show that the common perception of H-1B workers is not all correct. I suggest we do this either in front of the Capitol on the day when the House-Senate joint committee is considering the bill or on the day when President Obama signs the bill in front of the White House. Our goal will be simple - we will try to pass on one message - We are not cheap labor. The way we do this -
Each of us will create a poster with our 2008 W-2 blown up that shows the income (100k+), show that we are paying all taxes (Medicare, SS, etc.). We can scratch off employer name, address, etc.
We can wear white strips around our lips to symbolize our protest to be silent, peaceful.
We can have some flyers ready with relevant information.
These are just some preliminary ideas. I am sure others here will have much better ideas to get our point across - We are not cheap labor.
I know skeptics and nay sayers tell me that this is useless, etc. etc. I have two things to day about that - First, if we don't do anything we don't gain anything anyways. Second, I do not expect the Congress to change anything just based on any protest like this. What this will do is that it will plant a seed of a forgotten concept that foreign workers like you and me are not cheap. I feel confident that we can find somebody to report this.
Anybody up for it? Even if 10 of us are ready I think we should do it. Timing this right is important. We have to move swiftly.
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