do what Trioxin created zombies do.
Pretty Zombies, Dead Dolls and dead doll face painting.
I particularly enjoyed drawing their faces, take a look: zombie-faces
Zombies aren't the most loveable of creatures, what with their
You can download both the zombie mod and the new face textures from the link
you transform even the prettiest faces into horrific zombie visages:
book fresh and new, I decided to sketch out a bunch of zombie faces.
Now that we've got our zombie killing team AND have secured a place to stay,
Zombie faces #1. World Record for dancing zombies, Nottingham 2008.
zombie faces, and keep your brains inside your skull,
You control the gas cloud by drawing their paths right into zombie faces for
Well in Dead Rising 2 you'll just be resurfacing Zombies faces as you go on
Zombie faces #2 by PeteZab. World Record for dancing zombies,
Real Looking Paintings of vampires, devils, skulls, zombies & Scary faces
Zombie Face Painting — Darken the Eyes
Hungry Zombie
attach dead bodies to the polls(wood) and the zombies take thier faces
Zombie people-with-tentacles-for-faces-that-want-to-eat-your-eyeballs?
You get to shoot harpoons through zombies faces .
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