Tuesday, May 24, 2011

oprah winfrey house interior

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  • FoxyKaye
    Sep 30, 10:18 AM
    Both mine and my partner's regular EDGE/3G cellphones (Nokias) on AT&T drop calls at a horrific rate. When calls do connect, I've heard static, other people's conversations, and a constant background hiss well beyond what other cell networks have. I borrowed a friend's Sprint phone the other day because my battery ran out, and I was amazed at how clear the call was - and her cell was Sprints giveaway texting phone. This is in East Bay, CA.

    Goodbye AT&T - I'll never use you as a carrier again, which also means every business I work for that has cell plans for its employees will also never use you as a carrier again.

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  • zephyrusrain
    Apr 28, 06:40 PM
    Here are your measurements - http://www.tipb.com/2011/04/28/white-iphone-4-roughly-02mm-thicker-black-iphone/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheIphoneBlog+%28TiPb%3A+iPhone%2C+iPad%2C+iPod%29

    Oh good.

    0.2mm thicker. Interesting.

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  • milo
    Jul 31, 10:22 AM
    I've seen the blue screen on XP. It's funny because I've been told by Windows users that it doesn't exist in XP, yet I witnessed it two weeks ago when a colleague of mine was trying to do something with Adobe Acrobat. The program just spazzed and the blue screen came up.

    The reason you don't see it much is because the new default in XP is to just reboot the machine instead of sitting on that screen. It's still there.

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  • theBB
    Jul 21, 12:13 PM
    I didn't buy my Mac to be popular and I don't particularly care that lots of people are (or are not) using them. It's just an irrelevant metric to me.
    Neither did I, but more market share means more software developers and more apps. That's the only reason I care.


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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 04:52 PM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.
    This is unique to a large number of Apple users that must have small hands.

    My 4.3" HTC incredible is only 4mm wider than iPhone .

    25.4mm = 1.0" so how can a measly 4mm be such a big deal?

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  • Digital Skunk
    May 3, 09:15 AM
    It annoys me too but it works out pretty well for Apple and I'd much rather pay extra for the i7 than not have the option at all. Look at the latest MBPs compared to the previous ones, Apple bumped the GPUs up significantly but charged $200 more and yet everyone is happy.

    True, but I've always had the sense that MBP owners are just used to paying a lot more for a machine than most everyone else.

    I strongly suggest against a refurbished model of older revisions. It is similar to purchasing a Core 2 model. The base 21.5" Sandy Bridge once it hits refurb would be tempting at ~$999.

    Agreed about the Core2 models, but I still think it would depend on the price of the refurbed. There's a 3.33GHz core 2 duo on there for $1040, and a 3.06GHz Core i3 for $930; same GPU different HDD size. The i3 would be the better choice if one weren't able to get the extra $200 or so for a new model.

    This is the first worthwhile iMac solely based on the stillborn potential of Thunderbolt and the quad on the base models. It only took 5 years.

    QFT. My initial post in this thread mentioned the Old Skool Apple because at the very least we've got iMacs that don't offer 80% laptop parts with a nice screen. I'd say we are at 40% laptop parts now.


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  • backupdrummer
    Jul 10, 10:49 AM
    For me to upgrade iWork it will need to have some pretty killer features. I do like a different view for Pages as the alway layout view can be very annoying when you just want something simple.

    One of my biggest gripes with Pages is when you select Blank page it still populates it with fields like header that drives me crazy.

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  • jeevesofRKdia
    Apr 3, 04:46 AM
    It'sa me on-a Flickr! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeevesofrkdia/5584180139/)
    250mm (55-250 IS)

    This photo is from my recent trip to India. I had asked about some gear and stuff before leaving (this is my first (D)SLR and my first foray into more serious photography). C&C on everything I post is welcome, as I would like to grow as a photographer!

    Also, don't peek at my photostream, as I'd like to post some of those in the upcoming days here. :D

    I posted this in the March thread... Way to go, me. We're obviously 3 days into April now. XD


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  • Mord
    Apr 24, 02:42 PM
    Why are you trying to turn the assault into bullying / an LGBT hate crime? I know MacRumors PRSI is obsessed with the issue, but there's no evidence for it.

    Other than, you know, all the evidence, such as the verbal abuse that was filmed, the witnesses.

    You think these girls decided to attack this girl out of love? No, they were bullies who picked out a vulnerable target they felt they could take.

    From what I understand:

    - transgendered guy walks into the women's restroom at a ghetto McD
    - a couple of women in the restroom see him peeing while standing up and/or his penis
    - they feel threatened and freak out
    - beating ensues

    I don't want to blame the victim nor do I think the beating was in any way justified, but if I were a transgendered guy, I would not be going to the women's room in the ghetto when there are hood rats around.

    That's pretty much exactly what you're doing.

    She's a transgendered woman. Suggesting she use the mens is inappropriate.

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  • Applespider
    Aug 15, 02:55 PM
    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!

    I use iChat with a Jabber ID to chat to my MSN buddies. I don't tend to send them files or audio chat with them so it's fine for just text.


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  • edwdcook
    Apr 16, 11:30 AM
    The launchpad now works more like iOS home screen. Click and hold to make icons jiggle and you can delete icons with an 'x' to the top left of the icon. UI not finished however.


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  • Thex1138
    May 4, 12:05 AM
    To fill the gap in the declining iPod revenues.

    It also may hint at a new product in the mid year cycle.


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  • NYC Russ
    May 3, 08:51 AM
    And yet prices in the Australian Apple Store are still 25% higher than the USA Store. How rude, Apple.

    Top end 27" iMac = US$1999, or in the Australian Store, AUD$2299 which at the current exchange rate is about US$2500. Why should we pay more, Apple? If anything, we're closer to China so should pay less on shipping!

    Whilst it's slightly better than yesterdays prices, I'm still seriously not happy.
    I'd buy one if we got the USA prices.Does Australia have a VAT? The U.S. doesn't.

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  • thatsmyaibo
    Apr 16, 07:28 PM
    I'm running this with my Core 2 Duo and it's pretty sluggish. I don't what what's going on in the background but my browsers are slow and my 2TB hard drive get's accessed when I access things that aren't even relevant.

    Also, is it me or is Time Machine extremely annoying in Lion?


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  • Eraserhead
    Sep 30, 11:56 AM
    wow, how spectacularly awful.

    My phone seems to not accept calls about 5% of the time, and I'm pissed with that.

    I'm waiting for the iPhone price war to reduce the price to be somewhat sensible now there's competition for it.

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  • bousozoku
    Jul 21, 08:18 PM
    is this 4.8% for the quarter or 4.8% total market share? if the former, nice, but no big deal; if the latter then very big deal.

    It's 4.8 % total market share for the quarter. ;)

    It's more than it was and so it is a big deal. However, what matters is sustained growth not incidental spikes. If they continue to grow, they will have mind share as well as market share, especially with companies like Sophos telling consumers to buy Macs to keep their information secure.

    Market share is an interesting figure anyway. It doesn't talk about the installed base, only about the very current sales figures.


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  • axual
    Apr 17, 08:35 PM
    Finally, the long awaited, highly anticipated iDoorknob ... Yes! :D

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  • iSee
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Why would you need 64 bit for a MBA? To fly off those huge sample libraries that the processor would lock up over?
    64 bit is only for massive memory allocations and a MBA doesn't even have the CPU to pull it off... :rolleyes:

    At this point I think it's mainly a matter of keeping the platform unified. Why support two kernals longer than you have to? The sooner Apple makes 64-bit the default, the sooner they can dump the 32-bit kernal altogether.

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  • smithrh
    Apr 24, 12:48 AM
    A few clarifications that pertain to AT&T/T-Mobile and this story:

    * The most valuable thing T-Mobile has is it's *spectrum*. The network itself, while quite valuable, isn't the key here at all. Oh, it's a factor, but it's not the reason why the Death Star is after it.

    * T-Mobile has not been bought. There's just a stated intent for AT&T to buy T-mobile. The purchase process will take many months, and there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome. Since this will mean reducing the number of national (or near national) carriers, it will get heavy scrutiny, and there's more than a small chance that the deal will be rejected, or come with so many conditions that AT&T will withdraw the offer.

    * Between now and the actual purchase, the companies can do some exploratory work with each other but they cannot operate in any way as if the deal has already taken place. AT&T cannot ask APPL to test the iPhone at T-Mobile bands.

    There are probably some ways around the last bullet (called "gun jumping") but with a deal with this level of scrutiny, nothing is going to happen which jeopardizes the deal.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 12, 05:37 AM
    Usually, when a new technology comes out from Apple like Thunderbolt, (mini display port in look a like), I usually think "Why would other "non" Apple manufactures like WD, Promise etc... adopt Thunderbolt? as USB 3.0 or eSATA is their bracket... where as Apple likes to keep to themselves only tailoring to their own devices (eg. using WDS (or extenting wireless via Airport Express), for example. is not possible unless you have Time Capsule (Apple) )

    I guess I was wrong when I saw this one on MacRumors.

    The major difference between TB and FW adoption is that FW was 100% Apple whereas TB was envisioned by Apple and then handed off to Intel for development and implementation.

    Since Intel is a major supplier of MBs to PC box manufacturers it can more easily push TB than Apple could FW. Moreover USB 3 is an Intel creation too so it has even greater power to play puppet master.

    Nov 24, 11:55 PM
    I want my brother to be able to go to Germany with his school like I was able to.

    Apr 29, 10:47 AM
    Ah.... I cry foul. Not real at all.

    I did not cry foul. I did not photoshop this picture. How would i even go about doing that. There was no keyboard or mouse. and you can obviously see that the virtual keyword is present on the screen in the picture. :apple:

    Jan 1, 09:53 PM
    I hear her underwear screaming for help.

    There. Fixed that for you.


    Aug 1, 12:32 PM
    I've had them all since Gen one excpet for the Video. Lost my Nano and gave other away. Now just have a Gen 3. Need a new one here soon when they make a car adaptor for the optical bus equipped BMWs. Gen 3 will go there and the new one will be for home, work and travel.

    Is the smart play to wait a month or two?

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