Saturday, May 21, 2011

keira knightley domino pictures

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  • andiwm2003
    Oct 23, 07:56 AM
    This is incorrect.

    Microsoft's Vista EULA says:

    4. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    This means you can't use the *same* installation of Vista Home inside a virtualization technology on the licensed device.

    This DOES NOT mean you can't use it by itself in a virtualization product on any platform.

    The reason this is included in the EULA is because Vista Business and Ultimate actually include additional licenses specifically so the same license can be used to also run in a virtualization environment on the same device where Vista is already installed.

    So, the higher end versions of Vista actually include more in terms of virtualization licensing than any other commercial OS.

    In any case, all versions of Vista can be legally used standalone in a virtualized environment, such as Parallels or VMWare.

    that sounds more reasonable to me. i'm not a lawyer but i thought in most countries it would be not legal to restrict the software use to certain hardware settings after you bought a full version.

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  • sixth
    Nov 3, 07:33 PM
    Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 29, 12:36 AM
    The uDAC-2 has both a DAC and an amp. "As a step beyond the successful uDAC, the uDAC-2 boasts a highly linear TOCOS volume control for improved channel tracking at low listening levels, in addition to 24bit/96kHz USB DAC and an improved headphone amp.

    It hasn't been delivered yet, I'll let you know how it sounds when it arrives. From what I got reading the reviews it should be a nice improvement. :)

    I'm currently testing one out :)

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  • cmaier
    Apr 24, 06:12 PM
    The challenge



    1. Must be black.
    2. Must be metal with no sharp edges (rounded edges) and be as simplistic as possible. Camera.
    3. Touchscreen (no slide out keyboard)
    4. Ergonomically friendly and look nice.
    5. User interface to be nice and on par with present day interfaces (no 1990s looking icons).
    6. Docking interface.

    They are all going to look similar.

    MS seemed to be able to get by without appropriating the look of Apple's interface.


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  • AnonMac50
    Mar 31, 10:43 AM
    iChat sounds nice, but I still want name notification and Growl-like notification. Seems like I'm still going to use Chax.

    iCal? I have to say, I do not like its appearance.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:15 PM
    It's called facts, not sure if you've ever come across this word before. I didn't particularly like what I saw, and milking the seizure was the right thing to do in order for these scumbags to go away. But it's just an observation that I and many have so why not say it?

    Facts? You have no proof that she was faking a seizure- none whatsoever. If you want to talk facts, then speak about what you actually know. You have NO WAY to prove she was faking. What you're engaging in is speculation.


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  • fyrefly
    Apr 18, 01:19 PM
    The real question is - will the back lit keyboard be reintroduced? I sure hope so. Couldn't care less about gaming but I want to see what I type in a meeting room (and don't get started with the whole "learn to type" BS)...:rolleyes:

    +1 - If the next Rev puts the BL Keyboard back in, I'll be first in line.

    While these Sandy Bridge processors are considerably faster in lab benchmarks, they offer no discernible real-world improvement for most users. Having used a MacBook Pro with a C2D and then one of the new Sandy Bridge, I couldn't tell the difference.

    Depends on what you were doing. If you're just surfing and Youtube and Facebook, then of course the Core2Duo won't matter vs. the i5.

    But if you do anything CPU intensive... convert a FLV to an MP4 to use on your iPad, etc... the i6 will smoke the C2D.

    I am exactly one of those people. I wanted a light laptop that I could game on occasionally while on travel. There is ZERO chance I would have bought an apple if it wasn't for the Air's portability and gaming potential. Hopefully I'll get many years use out of my 13" Ultimate.. but if Apple cripples the Air from a GPU perspective, I'll go back to Windows in a heartbeat on my next laptop purchase.

    These are the comments I least understand.

    Apple has basically two choices:

    1. Update the MBA sometime in 2010 with SB LV/ULV chips. The CPU will boost, but the Graphics will take a hit.

    2. Leave the MBA as a C2D/320M machine for a total of ~18 months till the right Ivy Bridge chips come out. That IGP should be almost equal to the 320M, but I there'll be much better chips than the 320M in early 2012, so I bet all the people whining about the SB IGP will be saying the same stuff about the Ivy IGP.

    But let me get this straight: You own a MBA right now. It's got a 320m chip in it that gives you jollies and plays your games. So if Apple was to leave the MBA stagnant for a year and a half, and then update to Ivy Bridge, you'd be happy, etc... but if Apple updated to SB in the middle of that cycle, you'd be pissed, throw you current laptop in the garbage and get a Windows Lappy?

    I'm not super-keen on a SB MBA either (unless it has the aforementioned BL Keyboard), but here's a message to all the SB Haters: Apple releasing a SB update to spur Back to School or Holiday Sales in no way invalidates your current MBA. It's not like all the 2010-era MBAs will suddenly explode into a puff of smoke forcing you to use the SB IGP you seemingly hate so much. You can keep using the 320m until the Ivy Bridge MBA comes out in 2012.

    What about the heat? MBP are too hot and not in a nice way.

    The 2011 MBPs all added 10W to their TDP while keeping the same form factor. That's why there's heat issues across the board. The chips we're talking about in this thread are 17W chips - that's the same or less than the current TDP on the LV9400/9600+320M which should keep the heat issues at bay.

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  • hypmatize
    Jan 31, 04:56 AM

    - MacBook Air
    - iPad
    - iTouch
    - Apple Accessories

    Am I part of the Apple Family Now?

    Is that an antec 900 under the desk?


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  • gnasher729
    Dec 2, 10:19 AM
    i don't understand why everyone is ignoring this guys' post. i'm not a computer engineer, so can someone with the right knowledge explain this a bit more? is it really adware or just a bug? :)

    I'll try to explain this: Someone can create a Disk Image File that is intentionally corrupt. They can put it on a webpage from where you could download it, and if you do that, Safari will try to mount the disk image file and then Things Go Wrong. But nothing at all can happen if you don't visit that webpage.

    Now Apple can't do anything about that corrupted Disk Image File. The best that Apple can do is try to mount it, figure out that it is corrupted, and tell you that it is corrupted. This is what should have happened, it didn't happen, and that is a bug that Apple should fix. The question is: What damage can happen?

    In this case, it has been examined, and the result is that there will be a Kernel Panic. That means your Macintosh will crash. Nothing else can possibly happen, the only possible result is a Kernel Panic. Sounds bad, but all that happens is that you have to restart your computer. About the same as if I unplugged the power cable of your Macintosh. The same thing will happen again if you try to mount the disk image again, or if you go to the same wegpage again. But you wouldn't do that, right? And if you visit the webpage again, you will learn quickly not to do that, right?

    The important thing is, there is no security risk. Nobody can use this to install a virus or adware on your computer. They can use it to crash your computer - once if you are clever, twice if you are not quite so clever, but not more often. They can't do anything but crash the computer.

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  • pacso
    Apr 14, 11:37 AM
    My apologies if I'm not the first person to mention this, but what about this article ( as a candidate piece of hardware?


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  • digitalbiker
    Jul 12, 07:09 PM
    Apple labels iWork as a "consumer level" app. not me.

    My definition of a "Pro level" app is one that has industry maturity, is excepted as standard industry wide, has many many features which allow it to be versatile and is useful in a variety of professional industries. It probably isn't the easiest app to use because it isn't focused to just one industry.

    I would bet you that not .1% of printshops, publishers, lawyers, engineers, etc. even know what a .pages file is let alone are they working with it daily.

    Very well put. I agree with you 100%. I bought pages thinking it could replace MS Word after seeing Jobs demo at MacWorld a couple of years ago.

    When I tried to use it to build a Messier Catlog viewers guide it was the worst software experience I have ever had. It crashed constantly, it corrupted files. It was difficult to manipulate the graphics and get them where I wanted them. Text flow was clumsy. It was painfully slow.

    I have a G4 1.67 GHz, 1 GB, PB and it took 7 minutes (I timed it) to open the document. The document contained 100 tiffs and 100 jpgs in tables on only 50 pages. It would open, then it would take another 3 minutes to scroll.

    Pages V2 was better but still sucked. I could never make compatible .doc files. Most of my co-workers were on Windows machines running Office 2003 and when I would email the .doc, I would always get an email back saying that something was wrong with my file or that their virus checker said it was bad. Whatever, I had to finally abandon Pages.

    I don't even like pages for quick documents. AppleWorks is better or even BBedit, depending on the type of quick document I need.

    Even Apple doesn't advertise this product as a competitor for Word. They simple sell it as a consumer level productivity tool.

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  • Badandy
    Jan 29, 01:40 AM
    Based on the verdict of the markets it would seem that Apple's potential is not so great...but you know better than that right ;)

    When stocks are being discussed from now on, please remove yourself from the proceedings.

    It was mostly the decline in iPod growth rate, but as someone said here, the market is just becoming saturated. You can thank Apple's insistence on using non user-replaceable batteries and such for sustaining some product momentum at least. You'll always have a good 10% (or so) of the market or so that replaces things ONLY when what they have ceases to work. This is where what I noted above begins to actually positively impact sales figures.

    I'm just getting this weird feeling that the baseline will be about 100. I expect a mild resurgence in the next couple weeks, nowhere near 200 or anything, but at least a 10% jump. Then I look for it to tumble down, where I will hopefully pick up some more at around 100. Of course, no one should take my complete speculation as actual advice, this is just the gut feeling I'm getting from the stock right now.


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  • copykris
    Nov 10, 07:27 AM
    another brand that plasters its name all over their stuff


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  • Sonny1
    Mar 31, 01:24 PM
    Look for iCal[/url][/QUOTE]

    Well, another loser in appearance. What is wrong with a simple calendar? Does everyone have to now deal with an electronic appointment book? Does Apple see a future so iPadded that laptops and desktops will vanish from the face of the earth?

    Just as Apple decreed that all screens must now be glossy, this speeding the deterioration of eyesight, we now must deal with fake appointment books? I'm waiting for strike three, whatever they'll unthink of next.

    I no longer use the meMobile calendar. I no longer buy Apple monitors or glossy-screened laptops. I have retrograded to the Mini and will stay with them, until Apple starts making only brown Minis. Or makes it impossible for any Apple device to attach to anything but an Apple monitor/screen.

    I really like and appreciate OS X; I'm also apprehensive of how Apple will manage to screw that up.


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  • gatearray
    Apr 13, 01:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Nope, no way


    This is utter nonsense, Apple doesn't enter markets where they can't succeed if not dominate. With all the less expensive options out there, how well do the $999 Cinema Displays sell? Exactly. :)

    Besides, there already is an Apple TV.

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  • BRLawyer
    Oct 18, 04:34 PM
    Restated much?

    Anyway, good news. :)

    I can only say one thing, after seeing another quarter of spectacular numbers by Apple...Dell's days are numbered. I would shut it down and give the money back to shareholders...:rolleyes:


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  • nyfliiboy
    Apr 12, 09:01 AM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

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  • gdeputy
    Nov 26, 06:19 PM
    I was going to buy myself a MacBook air and since my girlfriend knew I wouldn't wait until Christmas to get it she bought it for me early for Christmas . So, I won't get a gift from her on the day, but man I feel blessed, I think I might have the best girlfriend in the world.

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  • Oestberg
    Mar 31, 11:02 AM
    I dont like those random things they are doing. Like changing the "minimize, close window"-buttons on iTunes and App Store. Now this?

    Aug 15, 01:58 PM
    The new features look pretty cool...but I generally think it's worth getting the upgrades just for fixes and optimizations.

    And from what people are saying, even this early beta of Leopard brings teh snappy.

    Oct 24, 07:42 AM
    Everything I wanted. Larger storage, much more memory and FW800.

    Apple, you're the 1 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Oct 18, 10:36 PM
    Allready have a Mini but Im going to stick with this chant ,Apple will build a consumer tower, Apple will Build a Consumer Tower,APPLE WILL BUILD A CONSUMER TOWER!:)

    Heh heh...yeah me too. Maybe that's what The Steve (tm) was referring to when he said that '07 was going to be one of the most exciting years for Apple yet.

    Or it could just be a new colour range for the iPod nanos.

    Aug 2, 09:36 AM
    :confused: :confused: :confused: How old are you?

    29 and currently doing a PHD in Architectural design.

    Apr 28, 12:49 PM
    How do you "win" a platform war?

    Does Google win because they have so many devices running their Android OS? *Marketshare*

    Or does Apple win because you have to buy their hardware in order to get iOS? *Profit*

    Or can we just agree that both platforms are doing insanely well in their respective ways?

    Heck, I'd go so far as to say, "Both platforms are doing insanely well." Period. Dead stop. End of sentence.

    I've never understood the mindset that things for one group to do well everyone else must do poorly. How about the expression, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

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